阿姆斯特丹最热门的酒吧恰好也是最冷的,就在阿姆斯特丹著名的伦勃朗广场拐角处。 您可以买票进入这个冷得让人直打哆嗦的地方,再加上三杯饮料,贴身的保暖衣物,体验一次去北极的冒险。
Your host Willem Barentsz will welcome you into his world as a top Dutch explorer and thrust you into the experience of living on his ship - The Mercury - in 1596. Will you be able to tough it out in such extreme cold when the ship gets stranded? Frozen fingers crossed.
Once you’ve had your welcome cocktail in the lounge, you’ll be led through to the second room, which is chilled to a perfect -10°C. Your jaw will drop to the freezing floor when you first see the bar: they used 60 tons of natural ice to sculpt it into shape. The walls, the art, the furniture, in fact everything - including your glass - is made of ice!
You'll get two more drinks to warm your insides - once you're in your snuggly thermal coat and gloves. Choose from beers, shots or orange juices and soak up the rainbow effects of the state-of-the-art lighting. You'll never drink anywhere cooler than this; it's a great place to start - or finish - a night of partying on the Rembrandtplein!