  1. Spanien
  2. Andalusien
  3. Sevilla
  4. Hospital de la Caridad

Hospital de la Caridad biljetter

4.2 (24 recensioner)

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1 alternativ • från 5,43 US$

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24 verifierade kundrecensioner


3 recensioner
Mariann,  Hungary Hungary
09 apr. 2024
We arrived a bit early, a few minutes before opening, and they didn't let us in; we had to wait for a bit. The audio guide was excellent; it's definitely worth using.
Hospital de la Caridad
Marios,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
18 mars 2024
We had just a couple of hours before leaving Seville, so we chose to visit this place due to its central location. Upon entering, we were greeted with a simple patio, however our jaws dropped...
We had just a couple of hours before leaving Seville, so we chose to visit this place due to its central location. Upon entering, we were greeted with a simple patio, however our jaws dropped when we entered the chapel. The paintings
Hospital de la Caridad
James,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
16 aug. 2023
It’s a nice little hospital but it’s fairly small and the tour can be done in an hour. It does feel more like a church than a hospital though as the main room is a fairly large chapel but it’s...
It’s a nice little hospital but it’s fairly small and the tour can be done in an hour. It does feel more like a church than a hospital though as the main room is a fairly large chapel but it’s really beautiful inside.
You can have the option of using an audio guide which I definitely recommend, especially in the chapel. With it, you learn about the meanings of the different paintings (and they really are well thought out) as well as all about the founder, Miguel de Mañara.
The staff working there are very friendly and welcoming. You can really tell that they are so appreciative of the visits and that makes me glad I went. There is also a cute little gift shop as you leave.
Definitely something to do that is cheaper than a lot of other activities and for anyone interested in the work they do. You also don’t have to fight the crowds of the cathedral to still see some great religious imagery.
Hospital de la Caridad

Om: Hospital de la Caridad

Hospital de la Caridad grundades av Miguel Mañara 1663 för att välkomna de tusentals sjuka och fattiga människorna i Sevilla, ödelagda av pestepidemier och den ekonomiska och sociala krisen på 1600-talet. Inuti kan du njuta av vackra gårdar med trädgårdar, valv och medeltida valv, och huvudkapellet, med verk av mästarna i den sevillianska barocken som Bartolomé E. Murillo, Juan de Valdés Leal, Pedro Roldán eller Francisco de Zurbarán, samt Sala de Cabildos, med ett litet konstgalleri, och Sala de la Virgen, med en permanent utställning av Miguel Mañara och Brödraskapets dagliga liv på 1600-talet.

Hospital de la Caridad
3 Calle Temprado, 41001, Sevilla
Öppna i Kartor

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