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  3. Поездки на Мальту на день

Поездки на Мальту на день

4.0 (21 отзывы)

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3 варианта • от 31,28 $

Поездки на Мальту на день — отзывы

21 проверенный отзыв клиента

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3 отзывы
Margaux,  Belgium Belgium
18 мая 2024
We were deeply dissatisfied with our travel experience and follow up. We made a booking via Tourscanner.com for a trip to Gozo Malta for 120 euros. The booking experience itself was positive and...
We were deeply dissatisfied with our travel experience and follow up. We made a booking via Tourscanner.com for a trip to Gozo Malta for 120 euros. The booking experience itself was positive and felt trustworthy. On the website itself there was no mention of the tour operator ‘Supreme Travel’. When researching them after the trip, I do see plenty of negative reviews.
The tour itself did not meeting our expectations at all. First of all, we were promised a hotel pickup and drop off. After booking, we were contacted to inform the pickup location was unilaterally modified, which required us to walk 20 minutes to a different hotel. Then we were rushed into a minivan without any context. We were very skeptical because the driver did not ask for our tickets, seemed entirely unaware of the trip details, and was very agitated. We calling via the contact details we received (from Supreme Travel) we received equally confusing information (e.g that the ferry ticket was not included, while this was explicitly mentioned).
After a hectic start, we ultimately boarded the coach bus. During the trip we uncovered other unpleasant surprises: the promised lunch was not included (“this was replaced by a temple visit, but has not been updated on the website”) and we wouldn't be visiting the Citadel in Victoria (“traffic conditions don't allow this”). The train ride was extremely brief and unsafe.
The trip has been the polar opposite of what we wanted and expected. We reached out to Tourscanner. However we then noticed they were only a search engine, and all actual bookings were processed by another firm called Tiqets. We talked to them for support via Whatsapp during the trip and they told us to wait until the trip ended. We waited and reached back out, and were again turned down again. The support was not helpful at all. There was no compensation, and no mention of any changes to improve their information on the site (e.g. mention the tour operator).
In summary: despite of the overall positive reviews of Tourscanner, I would not consider it in the future because they offer falsely advertised tours and are not willing to help afterwards.
Gozo Full-Day Sightseeing Tour from Malta
Marilyn,  Guernsey Guernsey
14 мая 2022
The Malta Prehistoric Temples Tour was excellent and so interesting.The guide, Mario, was so knowledgeable and had a great sense of humour. I would recommend this tour to everyone as it was the...
The Malta Prehistoric Temples Tour was excellent and so interesting.The guide, Mario, was so knowledgeable and had a great sense of humour. I would recommend this tour to everyone as it was the highlight of our trip.
Malta Prehistoric Temples Tour
Margaux,  France France
28 авг. 2021
Très bonne visite, très bon guide en français ! Bonne dégustation. Un peu cher pour l'ensemble... PROBLÈMES d'organisations pour les lieux de rendez vous ! Ils vont venir vous chercher au lieu de...
Très bonne visite, très bon guide en français ! Bonne dégustation. Un peu cher pour l'ensemble... PROBLÈMES d'organisations pour les lieux de rendez vous ! Ils vont venir vous chercher au lieu de votre choix mais l'heure et la confirmation du lieu se fait le matin même par un coup de fil..
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Поездки на Мальту на день: информация

Поездки на Мальту на день
Il-Belt Valletta, Валетта
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