  1. Stati Uniti
  2. Washington, D.C.
  3. Memoriale della Marina degli Stati Uniti

Biglietti per Memoriale della Marina degli Stati Uniti

4.9 (63 recensioni)

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5 opzioni • da 59,00 USD

Recensioni Memoriale della Marina degli Stati Uniti

63 recensioni verificate dei clienti
3 recensioni
Anique,  United States United States
28 apr 2024
Dre’ did wonderfully. Well educated on his stuff. Corey the driver also was very safe and was also where we could find him when we needed to return to the bus.
National Museum of African American History and Culture & African American Tour
Kathleen,  United States United States
21 mag 2024
Elvis is an excellent guide. Lots of knowledge, very kind & personable. I definitely recommend this tour.
National Museum of African American History and Culture & African American Tour
Jasmine,  United States United States
14 apr 2024
This bus tour was amazing, well worth the time and money; we also got access to the museum as a group after the bus tour as well. The bus is air conditioned and the tour makes a few stops where we...
This bus tour was amazing, well worth the time and money; we also got access to the museum as a group after the bus tour as well. The bus is air conditioned and the tour makes a few stops where we have some time to walk around (it’s a moderate amount of walking so don’t forget your supportive shoes!) Our tour guide Dre was a treasure trove of knowledge (not just DC history) and gave poignant relevance to the symbolism and meanings behind the architecture, placement, and intention behind what we see around DC; what he teaches makes the maxim “Black history is American history” ring true with history we can see and touch.
National Museum of African American History and Culture & African American Tour

Informazioni su: Memoriale della Marina degli Stati Uniti

Il United States Navy Memorial si trova a a Washington D.C. sulla Pennsylvania Avenue NW, tra la 7th Street Northwest e la 9th Street Northwest. È stato realizzato per rendere omaggio a coloro che hanno prestato servizio in passato o sono tutt'ora attivi nella Marina Militare, nel corpo dei Marines, nella Guardia Costiera e nella Marina Mercantile. Potrai individuarlo grazie alle sue due aste portabandiera bianche.

Sabato 09:00 - 17:00
Domenica 09:00 - 17:00
Lunedì 09:00 - 17:00
Martedì 09:00 - 17:00
Mercoledì 09:00 - 17:00
Giovedì 09:00 - 17:00
Venerdì 09:00 - 17:00
Memoriale della Marina degli Stati Uniti
701 Pennsylvania Ave, NW20004, Washington, D.C.
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