  1. Paesi Bassi
  2. Olanda Settentrionale
  3. Amsterdam
  4. BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project

Biglietti per BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project

4.6 (279 recensioni)

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2 opzioni • da 23,63 USD

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Recensioni BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project

279 recensioni verificate dei clienti

Immagini dei visitatori

3 recensioni
Rachael,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
18 nov 2016
What a fantastic exhibition... it's not what I expected it's done in the most tasteful way for you to actually understand how our body works. Looking forward to more exhibitions like it in the future
What a fantastic exhibition... it's not what I expected it's done in the most tasteful way for you to actually understand how our body works. Looking forward to more exhibitions like it in the future
Body Worlds - The Happiness Project: Skip The Line
Luca,  Singapore Singapore
03 feb 2020
It’s quite a unique experience to see how certain aspects in life influence and influenced the real specimens used in this museum. For those interested in biology, psychology, or simply to the...
It’s quite a unique experience to see how certain aspects in life influence and influenced the real specimens used in this museum. For those interested in biology, psychology, or simply to the human being, I highly recommend it.
Body Worlds - The Happiness Project: Skip The Line
Syed Hasanul ,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
02 nov 2019
First thoughts, science, human body, go for it. Did not regret it. Missed the date, so must mention Arjen, such a wonderful gentleman, who helped me experience this wonderful exhibition.
Body Worlds - The Happiness Project: Skip The Line

Informazioni su: BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project

L'anatomista tedesco Gunther von Hagens, che inventò la tecnica della plastinazione nei tardi anni 70 all'Università di Heidelberg, ha creato questa mostra.

La Body Worlds Exhibition fu presentata per la prima volta nel 1995. Mostrando corpi interi plastinati in pose di vita quotidiana e dissezionati per mostrare varie strutture e sistemi dell'anatomia umana, ha incontrato da allora l'interesse pubblico così come controversie in più di 50 musei e strutture in tutto il mondo.

BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project

10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
BODY WORLDS - The Happiness Project
Damrak 66, 1012 LM, Amsterdam
Apri con Maps

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