Museo di Robben Island, Città del Capo | Prenota i Biglietti, Tour e Altro ancora
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  2. Città del Capo
  3. Museo di Robben Island
3.6 (28 recensioni)

Biglietti per Museo di Robben Island

Impara a conoscere il passato del Sudafrica e la lotta contro l'Apartheid.

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8 opzioni • da 75,21 USD


Città del Capo Super Combi

Disponibile mercoledì, 22 gen
  • Museo di Robben Island: Visita guidata
  • Table Mountain: Salta la fila
2 (1)
Da 155,86 USD
155,57 USD

Recensioni Museo di Robben Island

28 recensioni verificate dei clienti

Immagini dei visitatori

3 recensioni
Didier,  France France
05 nov 2024
Visit cancelled due to weather conditions, that can be easily understood. We are now 5 weeks later and no news from the organization, no answer to my numerous mails and so still waiting to be...
Visit cancelled due to weather conditions, that can be easily understood. We are now 5 weeks later and no news from the organization, no answer to my numerous mails and so still waiting to be refund and more and more afraid that I have to forget my money
Robben Island Museum (without hotel pickup)
Shandirai,  Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
13 dic 2024
It was an awesome experience getting to the former notorious prison transformed into a museum. The tour guides are well experienced former prisoners at the site and so enthusiastic about the new...
It was an awesome experience getting to the former notorious prison transformed into a museum. The tour guides are well experienced former prisoners at the site and so enthusiastic about the new challenges of building a legacy for future generations.
Half Day Robben Island Tour
16 gen 2025
Easy to get. We thought tickets were going to be difficult but all went well. This is a very powerful trip I was touched by the history of this island. I will not forget the lesson of our humanity.
Easy to get. We thought tickets were going to be difficult but all went well. This is a very powerful trip I was touched by the history of this island. I will not forget the lesson of our humanity.
Half Day Robben Island Tour

Informazioni su: Museo di Robben Island

Il Museo di Robben Island si trova a Città del Capo, in Sudafrica, ed è un simbolo del trionfo sulle avversità. Qui Nelson Mandela ha scontato 18 anni di prigione prima di raggiungere la libertà e molte persone vengono a vedere la sua cella. È famosa per gli ex detenuti che ora lavorano come guide turistiche dell'isola. Il tour standard a Robben Island dura circa 4 ore con due viaggi in traghetto di mezz'ora.

Museo di Robben Island
Private Bag Robben Island, Cape Town,, 7400, Città del Capo
Apri con Maps

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