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  3. Old Westbury
  4. Giardini Old Westbury
4.6 (325 recensioni)

Giardini Old Westbury

Assapora il fascino dell'antica Inghilterra ai Giardini Old Westbury

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1 opzione • da 15,00 USD

Recensioni Giardini Old Westbury

325 recensioni verificate dei clienti

Immagini dei visitatori

3 recensioni
13 ott 2024
The house was so authentic with so many original furnishings our tour guide was great! The gardens were great and the fresh cut flowers and everywhere and we’re fabulous
Old Westbury Gardens
Lorraine,  United States United States
28 ago 2024
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family. The day was beautiful. The flowers are gorgeous. The grounds are gorgeous. The house is magnificent. It’s all in all and enjoyable...
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family. The day was beautiful. The flowers are gorgeous. The grounds are gorgeous. The house is magnificent. It’s all in all and enjoyable experience.
Old Westbury Gardens
Rachel,  United States United States
05 giu 2024
An amazing place. I don't live far from there and every chance that all the gardens are blooming I take my grandchildren and they enjoy being there and hearing the story about the family that used...
An amazing place. I don't live far from there and every chance that all the gardens are blooming I take my grandchildren and they enjoy being there and hearing the story about the family that used to live there Thanks
Old Westbury Gardens

Informazioni su: Giardini Old Westbury

Gli Old Westbury Gardens, iscritti nel Registro Nazionale dei Luoghi Storici, sono l'antica dimora di John S. Phipps, di sua moglie Margarita Grace Phipps e dei loro quattro figli.

Completata nel 1906 dal designer inglese George A. Crawley, la magnifica dimora in stile Carlo II è immersa in 200 acri di giardini formali, terreni paesaggistici, boschi, stagni e laghi.

Westbury House è arredata con raffinati pezzi d'antiquariato e arti decorative inglesi provenienti dagli oltre 50 anni di residenza della famiglia.

Giardini Old Westbury
71 Old Westbury Road, 11568, Old Westbury
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