As the holiday season unfolds, the spirit of Christmas arrives at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, TN. The captain and crew invite guests to an experience like no other – filled with timeless beauty, festive splendor and heartfelt tributes to the passengers and crew of the RMS Titanic. This special exhibit runs from November through December 31, offering an unforgettable blend...
As the holiday season unfolds, the spirit of Christmas arrives at the Titanic Museum Attraction in Pigeon Forge, TN. The captain and crew invite guests to an experience like no other – filled with timeless beauty, festive splendor and heartfelt tributes to the passengers and crew of the RMS Titanic. This special exhibit runs from November through December 31, offering an unforgettable blend of holiday spirit and historical reverence.
Book your tickets
1 option
Titanic Museum Attraction: Entry Ticket + Audio Guide
- Admission to the Titanic Museum Attraction
- A boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger/crew member and a short story about their life
- Access to permanent exhibitions
- Audioguide for a self-guided tour
- Access to Tot-Titanic – an interactive area for young guests aged 8 and under
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Titanic Museum Attraction
Visitors can walk the $1 million exact replica of Titanic’s Grand Staircase and learn about Titanic's fated final voyage at the Titanic Museum Attraction. It's located in Pigeon Forge, a few hours by car from Nashville, Tennessee.