The exotic allure of Taiwan's renowned teas, like Tieguanyin, Wenshan Baozhong, and Oriental Beauty, calls tea lovers worldwide to go on an aromatic adventure. This guided tour to Maokong and Pinglin is the ideal escapade for both seasoned tea connoisseurs and fervent tea enthusiasts.
The trip presents a unique opportunity to engage in the intriguing Taiwanese tea culture, tracing its cycle from seed to cup. The tour starts with a fascinating Maokong Gondola ride, offering beautiful views of Southern Taipei from a high perspective.
Upon landing, a leisurely stroll awaits along either the Maokong Tea Fragrance Loop Trail or the Maokong Zhangshu Trail. Each path unfolds scenic landscapes, begging to be explored. The expedition continues at the Taipei Tea Promotion Center for Tieguanyin and Baozhong, where the displays reveal the magical world of Taiwanese tea.