Experience life-size models of 25+ different species of whales at Whales of Iceland, the largest whale museum in Europe.
This unique museum is full of underwater sounds, interactive exhibits, and educational information for all ages - a must-do for any nature lover while in Reykjavík.
This unique museum contains more than 25 life-sized whale models, representing every species of whale found in Icelandic waters throughout recorded history.
This includes the amazing blue whale, the spectacular sperm whale, and the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, just to name a few. See them all in their full size.
Award-winning documentaries are shown daily in the Fin Whale Theatre. The films cover whale conservation, research, and other fascinating subjects.
Located inside the theatre is a conservation exhibit designed in cooperation with the International Fund for Animal Welfare and local whale scientists, which highlights five major threats that whales face and what you can do to help.
The latest addition to the museum is a whale research exhibit, where visitors can learn about the different types of whale research being conducted in Iceland, and become a citizen whale scientist by taking part in actual research projects, thanks to a partnership with Zooniverse.