The Central Park Zoo may be small in size (6.5-acre) but it’s definitely not short of fun. At this intimate attraction, you can really get up close and personal with a variety of wildlife. There’s a reason why this zoo inspired the animated film Madagascar. Snow leopards, bears, sea lions... it's pretty wild here!
In Central Park, just off 5th Ave, this charming, compact zoo boasts three distinct environments.
There are four species of penguins (and some tufted puffins) who call the Polar Circle home. Just next door, the sea lions show off their aquatic acrobatic skills.
If you want to follow your cold with something a little warmer, hit Tropic Zone, where tree snakes, ruffed lemurs and dart frogs fill the canopy with life.
The Temperate Territory is full of charmers from Asia, like red pandas and snow monkeys!