Deep under the city of Loulé lies Techsalt's Rock Salt Mine - an oasis of wonder! Make this art, history, and geology combo the highlight of your holiday to the Algarve.
Join Fininho, the mine's mascot, and his friend Salty in an underground adventure beneath the city of Loulé.
Observe and be dazzled by the collection of pieces dedicated to Saint Barbara, patron saint of miners and other arts from sculptures, paintings and religious utensils, coming from several countries with hundreds of years old.
After learning about the cult of Saint Barbara, see the colorful and contemporary interpretation of the artist Klaus Zylla, which portrays some stages of the tragic life of this saint.
At a depth of 230 meters and at a mild temperature of around 22 to 23ºC all year, explore 1.3 km of the fascinating galleries and mine chambers. With the help and interpretation of a guide, you will learn more about the geological and industrial importance and applicability of rock salt.