
London: Moco + Frameless

Discover contemporary and digital art by renowned artists

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From $55.25

$54.12 For 2 top things to do

Why choose this pass?

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100% digital

Hand-picked combinations

What's included

See works by Andy Warhol and Keith Haring

Museum entrance

London's ultimate multi-sensory art spectacle!

Entry to all four unique galleries: Beyond Reality, Colour in Motion, The World Around Us, and The Art of Abstraction
Access to Café Bar
Access to Gift Shop
Access to free cloakroom

How it works


Select your visit dates

Choose when you want to visit and how many tickets you need


Complete secure payment

Make your payment with our secure and easy booking process


Receive your tickets

Get your tickets by email – follow the instructions and enjoy your visits!


  • See four distinct galleries using cutting-edge projection technology
  • Explore masterpieces by Warhol, Haring, Kusama, and more
  • Discover contemporary and digital art by renowned artists


Experience the artistic wonders of London with a comprehensive package that includes entry to both the Moco Museum and the Frameless Immersive Art Experience.

Moco Museum London: Entry Ticket
Explore the Moco Masters collection featuring iconic works by artists like Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring, along with contemporary pieces by Tracey...

Experience the artistic wonders of London with a comprehensive package that includes entry to both the Moco Museum and the Frameless Immersive Art Experience.

Moco Museum London: Entry Ticket
Explore the Moco Masters collection featuring iconic works by artists like Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Keith Haring, along with contemporary pieces by Tracey Emin, Banksy, and more, including Robbie Williams' mental health journey collection.

Frameless Immersive Art Experience: Entry Ticket
Experience London's ultimate multi-sensory art spectacle with 42 digital masterpieces, harmonized with music, and showcased in four distinct galleries using cutting-edge projection technology.

How to get there

1 Moco Museum London
2 Frameless Immersive Art Experience