Join in on a magical journey through the cobbled streets of London, where the spellbinding world of a certain famous wizard (you know who!) comes to life! This guided walking tour is a perfect family adventure, overflowing with enchanting surprises.
The adventure begins at the mythical platform 9 3/4 in King Cross Train Station. From there, the tour whisks you away to the vibrant Leicester Square area. Get ready to explore the iconic film locations and visit two renowned shops. The first, a magical emporium that crafted all the paper props for the films. The second? Well, that's a delightful surprise for the young ones!
The magic continues as the tour ventures to London Bridge, home to more illustrious film locations. Here, the Millennium Bridge (affectionately known as the Wobbly Bridge) and the Leaky Cauldron await. Along the way, marvel at the awe-inspiring sights and buildings that stirred J.K. Rowling's imagination as she penned each captivating tale.
The grand finale? A tour of the majestic Tower of London, a castle with a 2,000-year-old legacy, and a mesmerizing Thames River cruise with breathtaking views.