Put your brave face on and pack a spare pair of pants, just in case, because things are about to get crazy! Do you dare step off the ledge of the Stratosphere Tower's 108th floor? Test your flying skills with SkyJump Las Vegas, a safe yet exhilarating leap into thin air that saves you from taking the stairs back down to the ground floor.
Psyche yourself up and strap into your harness – the pros are always on hand to keep things running smoothly, even if it feels like your heart is about to burst!
You've got nothing to fear, though. All jumpers are harnessed in and attached to a cable that is connected to a descender machine. Guide wires keep you safely on course and on target at all times – and just before reaching the rapidly approaching ground, the SkyJumper is slowed down for a controlled and safe landing.
Just remember: by the time you take the leap from the launching pad on the 108th floor of Stratosphere Casino, Hotel & Tower in Las Vegas, you'll only have a mere 855 feet to fall until you reach the ground.