Thousands of people flock to Amsterdam's Red Light District every night to see those ladies in lingerie. But while many gawk under the red lights, few know what really goes on behind those windows. Prepare to get educated.
As you wander through sparkly bedrooms and bathrooms you'll be surprised at the level of comfort and glamor in some of these rooms. You'll discover how the ladies are looked after and made to feel safe as they do their work, which is legal and protected in Amsterdam.
Sit in a window and pose for photos, lounge on a leopard print bedspread, rattle some whips and chains, watch videos featuring some of the prostitutes, and experience how it feels to be in a room with more toys in it than the Playboy Mansion.
You'll come away with a much deeper knowledge of the world's oldest profession. And if you're brave enough, you can add to the collection of confessions on the wall, too. (Some will really shock you! You've been warned).