
Halvdagstur til Barcelona: E-cykel, vingårdstur, vinsmagning og sejlads

Se det spanske landskab fra alle vinkler på denne tur fra Barcelona

Varighed: 6 t og 30 minutter
Liveguide: Engelsk, Spansk
Leverandør: Sailing Experience Barcelona
Registreret adresse: Carrer de Girona, 67 1-2B, 08009, Barcelona, ES

Kontakt Tiqets Hjælpecenter, eftersom vi fungerer som kontaktperson på vegne af leverandøren af aktiviteten

Noget af indholdet på denne side er oversat automatisk og kan indeholde unøjagtigheder.

2,5-timers vinsmagning på en vingård
2-timers sejladsoplevelse
2-timers leje af elcykel
Lette snacks (inkl. drikkevarer) om bord på yachten
Professionel tosproget guide (engelsk og spansk)
Yderligere mad og drikke
Afhentning/afsætning på hotel

Gør det hele under dit ophold i nærheden af Barcelona med denne halvdags guidede tur fra Barcelona.

Besøg en bondegård fra det 15. århundrede blandt vinmarker med udsigt over landsbyen Alella og Middelhavet. Forkæl dig selv med en dekadent vinsmagning, mens du nyder udsigten.

Sejl langs den catalanske kyst på en E-cykel, før du sætter sejl på en yacht med en professionel skipper. Tag en dukkert i Middelhavet, før du spiser en lækker let snack om bord.

Vis din smartphonebillet til personalets indtjekning på mødestedet (Sailing Experience Barcelona i Port Olimpic).

  • Annullering er mulig indtil 24 timer før dit besøg.
  • Ombooking er mulig op til 24 timer før datoen for dit besøg.

Vurderinger og omtaler

3 verificerede kundeomtale

Kundens billeder

3 omtaler
Taylor,  Canada Canada
01 jun. 2024
Had an absolutely lovely day. Recommended the bike ride in the morning and the evening sail.
E-bike, Vineyard Tour, Wine Tasting & Sailing Experience from Barcelona (PAV44R)
Rong lan,  Spain Spain
04 jun. 2024
This is excellent trip in Barcelona Really really recommended for all your guys who stay in Barcelona
In the e-bike ,we thought a really nice beach view ,here must say thanks for our guider...
This is excellent trip in Barcelona Really really recommended for all your guys who stay in Barcelona
In the e-bike ,we thought a really nice beach view ,here must say thanks for our guider beautiful lady Julia and Susanna ,they really nice
In wine trip,we got nice different nice wine and know many about wine ,it’s remarkable afternoon time
Finally ,in the boat , it’s a unforgettable afternoon time in boat with blue sky ,thanks for our captain Manuel!
E-bike, Vineyard Tour, Wine Tasting & Sailing Experience from Barcelona (PAV44R)
01 jun. 2023
Excellent adventure! Our tour guides were friendly, helpful, and made us feel at home in their country. All parts were excellent- the bikes were well-maintained and the route right along the...
Excellent adventure! Our tour guides were friendly, helpful, and made us feel at home in their country. All parts were excellent- the bikes were well-maintained and the route right along the shore, the vineyard was charming, and the sail back was fun. Bring your swimsuit and towel if you want a dip in the sea. Highly recommend!
E-bike, Vineyard Tour, Wine Tasting & Sailing Experience from Barcelona (PAV44R)

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