Zkontrolovat dostupnost
5 možnosti/možností • od 39,91 US$
Vstupenka na atrakce
Průkaz Sydney Explorer Pass: přístup až k 7 atrakcím
Dostupné zítra
69,99 US$
Vstupenka na atrakce
Sydney iVenture Unlimited Pass: Přístup k víc než 25 atrakcím až na 3 dny
Dostupné zítra
181,12 US$
Vstupenka na atrakce
Sydney iVenture Flexi Pass: přístup k 3, 5 nebo 7 atrakcím
Dostupné zítra
79,20 US$
Karta City Pass
Sydney: Multi-atrakční vstupenka s 2,3 nebo 4 atrakcemi
Dostupné středa, 15 led
41,14 US$
39,91 US$
Recenze: Sydney City Cards
119 recenze/recenzí ověřených zákazníků
3 recenze
19 srp 2024
We have repeatedly contacted for a voucher. We were unable to attend due to our flights being cancelled meaning we couldn’t make the experiences.
We were not trying to cancel nor get a refund as...
We have repeatedly contacted for a voucher. We were unable to attend due to our flights being cancelled meaning we couldn’t make the experiences.
We were not trying to cancel nor get a refund as we were really looking forward to this. We were advised that even given the circumstances were outside of our control we could not have a credit.
Hugely disappointing as we spent a fair amount of money.
Sydney Multi Attraction Pass (Cluster)
Dominique ,
02 zář 2024
Be aware that this company is not Australian. The price on their website was in AUD, I paid for it with an Australian credit card. At no point was I told that the transaction was actually for a...
Be aware that this company is not Australian. The price on their website was in AUD, I paid for it with an Australian credit card. At no point was I told that the transaction was actually for a different currency. I was hit by an International transaction fee on my credit card. If I had of been made aware of this extra hidden cost I would not have bought the ticket from this supplier. I am currently awaiting advise from the ACCC in regards to this.
Sydney Multi Attraction Pass (Cluster)
O: Sydney City Cards
Prozkoumej pulzující australské přístavní město s městskou kartou Sydney.
Naskoč si na autobusovou vyjížďku po městě a projdi se po hlavních atrakcích Sydney – ikonické opeře Sydney Opera House, přístavu Sydney Harbor a vyhlídkovém okně Sydney Tower Eye.
Objev podmořské světy s přístupem k akváriím, prohlídkám velryb a projížďkám na tryskových člunech podél Velkého bariérového útesu.
Zjisti více o jedinečné biologické rozmanitosti Austrálie – klokanech, ptakopyskách a tasmánských čertech – a dalších tvorech, které najdeš pouze v okolí australského Smaragdového města.