  1. Spojené státy americké
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  3. Old Westbury
  4. Old Westbury Gardens
4.6 (325 recenze)

Old Westbury Gardens

Ochutnej staré anglické kouzlo v Old Westbury Gardens

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1 možnost • od 15,00 US$

Recenze: Old Westbury Gardens

325 recenze/recenzí ověřených zákazníků

Obrázky zákazníka

3 recenze
13 říj 2024
The house was so authentic with so many original furnishings our tour guide was great! The gardens were great and the fresh cut flowers and everywhere and we’re fabulous
Old Westbury Gardens
Lorraine,  United States United States
28 srp 2024
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family. The day was beautiful. The flowers are gorgeous. The grounds are gorgeous. The house is magnificent. It’s all in all and enjoyable...
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon with the family. The day was beautiful. The flowers are gorgeous. The grounds are gorgeous. The house is magnificent. It’s all in all and enjoyable experience.
Old Westbury Gardens
Rachel,  United States United States
05 čvn 2024
An amazing place. I don't live far from there and every chance that all the gardens are blooming I take my grandchildren and they enjoy being there and hearing the story about the family that used...
An amazing place. I don't live far from there and every chance that all the gardens are blooming I take my grandchildren and they enjoy being there and hearing the story about the family that used to live there Thanks
Old Westbury Gardens

O: Old Westbury Gardens

Old Westbury Gardens, zapsané v Národním registru historických míst, je bývalým domovem Johna S. Phippse, jeho manželky Margarity Grace Phippsové a jejich čtyř dětí.

Nádherné sídlo ve stylu Karla II. bylo dokončeno v roce 1906 anglickým designérem Georgem A. Crawleym a je zasazeno do 200 akrů formálních zahrad, upravených pozemků, lesů, rybníků a jezer.

Westbury House je vybaven jemnými anglickými starožitnostmi a dekorativním uměním z více než 50 let rodinné rezidence.

Old Westbury Gardens
71 Old Westbury Road, 11568, Old Westbury
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