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Florencie: pěší prohlídka s průvodcem + galerie Accademia

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Nové cesty za poznáním místa Prohlídky Florencie

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Část obsahu na této stránce byla automaticky přeložena a může obsahovat nepřesnosti.

Přeskoč frontu na vstupenky do Accademie s přístupem k Davidovi od Michelangela
Prohlídka Florencie s průvodcem
Anglicky mluvící průvodce
Malé skupinky zaručují intimní zážitek
Vyzvednutí/vysazení v hotelu
Vstup do florentského dómu
Spropitné (dobrovolné)
  • Na místo setkání se dostav 10-15 minut před odjezdem. Ti, kteří přijedou po odjezdu, nemohou být ubytováni a zmeškané zájezdy nebo vstupenky nemohou být vráceny
  • Setkej se s průvodcem u jezdeckého pomníku Fernanda I. (muž na koni) na náměstí Piazza della Santissima Annunziata
  • Průvodce bude mít v ruce ceduli s nápisemThe Tour Guy

Přidej se k poutavé půldenní pěší prohlídce Florencie, kde odhalíš její fascinující tajemství.

Začni prohlídku s přednostním přístupem do proslulé galerie Accademia v doprovodu zkušeného průvodce. Prozkoumej působivou sbírku umění v galerii a zakonči ji velkolepým pohledem na Michelangelova „Davida“.„ Seznam se s fascinujícími příběhy renesančních umělců, kteří jsou fascinováni zobrazením „Davida “.

Poté se můžeš projít ulicemi Florencie. Mezi nejzajímavější místa patří nádherný florentský dóm a baptisterium, Dantova čtvrť a slavná bronzová prasečí fontána.

Objev historii ohně marností na Piazza della Signoria, obdivuj Palazzo Vecchio a nahlédni do galerie Uffizi. Prohlídka končí u malebného mostu Ponte Vecchio.

  • Zrušení je možné do 24 hod. před návštěvou.
  • Přesunutí je možné do 24 hod. před návštěvou.

Hodnocení a recenze

2 recenze/recenzí ověřených zákazníků
2 recenze
Jessica,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
11 čvn 2024
Angelo A is an Amazing guide and he made all the difference in this tour! He explained the importance of David and talked about history, arrs and culture in such a passionate way that I felt more...
Angelo A is an Amazing guide and he made all the difference in this tour! He explained the importance of David and talked about history, arrs and culture in such a passionate way that I felt more clever hahaha!! Really appreciate it and recommend
Florence: Guided Walking Tour with Accademia Gallery
Lyle,  United States United States
19 čvc 2024
We purchased this combo tour because we wanted to get the city walking tour as much as we wanted the Accademia. We met our guide at the designated location, which was easy to find and near the...
We purchased this combo tour because we wanted to get the city walking tour as much as we wanted the Accademia. We met our guide at the designated location, which was easy to find and near the Accademia. Our guide was a local who had great enthusiasm for her city and its art. We started with some background as we walked to the entrance of the Accademia. Unfortunately, we did have to wait in a group line to enter. This took about 10 minutes or so. Be aware, homeless are very aggressive asking for money, even while in line waiting, they will approach you. Also, some street vendors lay their "posters" on the ground for unsuspecting tourists to walk over, and then demand you pay for them. In fact, right outside the exit to the Accademia is one place this occurs. Our guide did a nice job of setting the scene for our tour here at the Accademia and David. She didn't just walk us right to the statue, but talked about the museum, Michelangelo and his history. Then she took time to discuss the history and intricacies of the David. We then only had about 10 min for the rest of the museum and the gift shop, I would have like a little more time as there were some other things to see. After the Accademia, we took about an hour walking the streets of Florence and seeing the other main sites of the city. She took us through back alleyways and gave history of the older parts of town and as well as the markets and plaza's. We stopped to look at the statues in Piazza della Signoria, as well as passing by the Duomo. The tour finished with information about Ponte Vecchio. Our guide was wonderful, inciteful, and positive. It was a great tour. I was frustrated by my other companions though. We received information letting us know that guides expected tips, but I did not see many others giving tips to her. This is disappointing as its pretty customary to do that, and the company even communicated it. The only downfall for Tiqets, is that there are SO MANY tours available on their app from so many different companies, that it takes some time to sift through all of them and find the one that is best for you.
Florence: Guided Walking Tour with Accademia Gallery