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Viatge darrere de les cascades + Cascades del Niàgara: mirador de la Torre Skylon

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Des de 37,45 USD -5%

35,58 USD

Els visitants estalvien un 4,00 USD de mitjana

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100 % digital

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

Què s'inclou

Viatge darrere de les cascades: Tiquet d'entrada

Posa't a pocs metres de les Cascades del Niàgara en un llampant ponxo groc

Accés a Journey Behind the Falls (des del costat canadenc)
Ponxo de pluja de record a la primavera i l'estiu

Valor normal del tiquet: 21,04 USD

Llegeix la descripció

Cascades del Niàgara: mirador de la Torre Skylon

La vista que va fer que les Cascades del Niàgara d'Ontario fossin tan famoses!

Entrada als miradors de la torre Skylon (interior i exterior)
Totes les taxes i les tarifes de tramitació
Descompte exclusiu del 10% a la botiga de regals Skylon Tower

Valor normal del tiquet: 16,41 USD

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1 Viatge darrere de les cascades
2 Torre Skylon
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Viatge darrere de les cascades: Tiquet d'entrada
  • No es pot reprogramar aquest tiquet.
Cascades del Niàgara: mirador de la Torre Skylon
  • Es pot reprogramar la visita fins a 24 hores abans de la data de visita.
Torre Skylon
Dimecres 09:00 - 23:00
Dijous 09:00 - 23:00
Divendres 09:00 - 23:00
Dissabte 09:00 - 00:00
Diumenge 09:00 - 23:00
Dilluns 09:00 - 23:00
Dimarts 09:00 - 23:00
Viatge darrere de les cascades
Dimecres 10:00 - 17:00
Dijous 10:00 - 17:00
Divendres 10:00 - 17:00
Dissabte 10:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 10:00 - 18:00
Dilluns 10:00 - 17:00
Dimarts 10:00 - 17:00
Cascades del Niàgara: mirador de la Torre Skylon

Recorda mostrar el teu val mòbil de Tiqets a la botiga de regals de l'establiment amb un descompte exclusiu del 10%!Tingues en compte que aquest descompte no es pot bescanviar a Starbucks ni a la Galeria d'artesania.

Valoracions i ressenyes

21 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

Corinna ,  Alemanya Alemanya
13 de jul. 2024
Jill,  Estats Units Estats Units
07 de jul. 2024
I don’t think this was worth the wait standing in line for over an hour. We toured around 3 pm and left after 4:30. Line was sooo long and the experience was mid. You can stand on the observation...
I don’t think this was worth the wait standing in line for over an hour. We toured around 3 pm and left after 4:30. Line was sooo long and the experience was mid. You can stand on the observation deck NEXT to the falls and get sprayed with mist. The behind the falls requires more standing in line and then they have everything blocked off with bars about 10 feet from the actual falls. Since this was the last thing we did that day we felt this was the worst of all. If you want to experience the falls I would suggest the cave of the winds which gets you soaked.
Jill,  Estats Units Estats Units
07 de jul. 2024
Our teen boys were excited for this experience because we watched the elevator go up and down all day. We were crammed into the elevator like sardines and the operator had to duck down so my 10 yr...
Our teen boys were excited for this experience because we watched the elevator go up and down all day. We were crammed into the elevator like sardines and the operator had to duck down so my 10 yr old could look out the window. The ride lasted less than 30 seconds. We were hoping to have our own space since we paid so much for the ride. The observation deck was cool to look out over everything. The wind is pretty intense up there and one guy lost his hat through the protective bars.

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

Combina els teus preferits a Niagara Falls (CA). Algunes coses són millors de dues en dues.

Des de 37,45 USD -5%

35,58 USD
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