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  1. Portugal
  2. Porto
  3. Pinhais & Cia, Lda.

Tiquets per a Pinhais & Cia, Lda.

4.9 (41 ressenyes)

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1 opció • des de 28,26 USD

Ressenyes per a Pinhais & Cia, Lda.

41 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

3 ressenyes
24 de juny 2024
It was a great tour. Our guide engaged us by dividing us into small groups. Each group did a smell test to try to identify the various seasonings in the sardines.
I also appreciated the...
It was a great tour. Our guide engaged us by dividing us into small groups. Each group did a smell test to try to identify the various seasonings in the sardines.
I also appreciated the admiration the guide showed the workers for their skills , loyalty, and longevity.
Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour - English Tour
Cody,  United States United States
19 de maig 2024
Very well done tour and unique experience. Very professionally presented
Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour - English Tour
Lorna,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
22 de març 2024
This was a really interesting experience to learn about the history of this particular sardine factory and the process of cleaning and canning the sardines with the various flavours. It started...
This was a really interesting experience to learn about the history of this particular sardine factory and the process of cleaning and canning the sardines with the various flavours. It started with a video and a tour around the old building and the current factory. We were able to view the staff working and processing the fish and wrapping the tins. The whole process was explained by our guide who answered any questions cheerfully. With the other guests we had the opportunity to practice wrapping a sardine tin and take it home. The tour ended in the museum cafe where we were treated to local bread and sardines, in 2 flavours, along with wine and water which was lovely and we had not expected. There is a shop where you can purchase sardines and other items relating to the factory. When we were ready to leave the staff were happy to book a taxi for us to return to our hotel. A thoroughly enjoyable experience. My friend was intitially sceptical but really enjoyed this tour also. They also provide covers for your shoes, disposable jacket and hair net to maintain hygiene on the factory floor during the tour with lockers provided to leave your belongings safely.
Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour - English Tour

Sobre: Pinhais & Cia, Lda.

Endinsa't en la història de la nostra producció de sardines i viu-la amb les teves pròpies mans. Coneix cada racó de la nostra fàbrica i saluda a la gent que hi ha darrere dels nostres secrets millor guardats.

Divendres 09:00 - 18:00
Dissabte 09:00 - 18:00
Diumenge Tancat
Dilluns 09:00 - 18:00
Dimarts 09:00 - 18:00
Dimecres 09:00 - 18:00
Dijous 09:00 - 18:00
Pinhais & Cia, Lda.
Avenida Menéres 700, 4450-189, Porto
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