  1. Itàlia
  2. Llombardia
  3. Milà
  4. L'últim sopar
4.5 (683 ressenyes)

Tiquets per a L'últim sopar

Contempla l'obra mestra de Da Vinci a Santa Maria delle Grazie de Milà

Comprova la disponibilitat

13 opcions • des de 65,91 USD

Visita guiada

L'últim sopar: Visita guiada

Disponible dimecres, 06 de nov.
  • Durada: 1 h
  • Grup de 34 persones màx.
4,6 (12)
Des de
81,54 USD

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

Combina els teus preferits a L'últim sopar amb els de Milà. Algunes coses són millors de dues en dues.

Ressenyes per a L'últim sopar

683 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

3 ressenyes
Patricia,  Brazil Brazil
08 d’ag. 2024
Best historical explanation I had in a tour. Barbara, our guide , was perfect, and this tour with her is a must in Milan! Worthy every cent 🙌 Thanks, Barbara, for such amazing experience!!! Patty...
Best historical explanation I had in a tour. Barbara, our guide , was perfect, and this tour with her is a must in Milan! Worthy every cent 🙌 Thanks, Barbara, for such amazing experience!!! Patty from Brazil
The Last Supper and Duomo Skip-the-Line
Kamal,  United States United States
20 de set. 2024
Our Guide was so knowledgeable and eloquent. Loved the guide so much that I have come to the conclusion that Tiqets has better guided tours than others.
Last Supper & Sforza Castle Tour
Marcel,  Netherlands Netherlands
26 de jul. 2024
Massimo took us on a historic journey in Milan. We were lucky to see the insights of the Scala theater and the Duomo. Da Vinci's Last Supper is memorable. This combined with Massimo's background...
Massimo took us on a historic journey in Milan. We were lucky to see the insights of the Scala theater and the Duomo. Da Vinci's Last Supper is memorable. This combined with Massimo's background stories makes it a great tour.
Duomo di Milano, The Last Supper & Teatro alla Scala: Entry Ticket + City Walking Tour

Sobre: L'últim sopar

L'últim sopar de Leonardo da Vinci és una de les obres d'art més famoses del món. Situat a l'església de Santa Maria delle Grazie de Milà, es creu que Da Vinci va treballar en la peça entre 1495 i 1498 com a part d'un encàrrec de Ludovico Sforza, duc de Milà.

Dissabte 09:00 - 19:00
Diumenge 09:00 - 19:00
Dilluns 09:00 - 19:00
Dimarts 09:00 - 19:00
Dimecres 09:00 - 19:00
Dijous 09:00 - 19:00
Divendres 09:00 - 19:00
L'últim sopar
Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie 2, Milano, 20123, Milà
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