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  3. Nàpols
  4. Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí

Tiquets per a Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí

4.7 (1.481 ressenyes)

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3 opcions • des de 13,58 USD

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Ressenyes per a Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí

1481 ressenyes de clients verificades
3 ressenyes
Irina,  New Zealand New Zealand
10 de set. 2024
We had a fantastic tour and learnt a lot about the history of the Catacombs as well as the history of this particular suburb and the role tourism plays in the lives of the local young people....
We had a fantastic tour and learnt a lot about the history of the Catacombs as well as the history of this particular suburb and the role tourism plays in the lives of the local young people. Highly recommend.
Catacombs of San Gennaro: Guided Visit
Tracy,  United States United States
27 de set. 2024
We really enjoyed the tour - info provided by the tour guide helped us understand the significance of the catacombs to the people of Naples. This was a great option on our first day after an...
We really enjoyed the tour - info provided by the tour guide helped us understand the significance of the catacombs to the people of Naples. This was a great option on our first day after an overnight flight.
Catacombs of San Gennaro: Guided Visit
Anna,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
07 de nov. 2024
Fantastic experience,very well organised and shown round by a fabulous guide. Thank you so much. I have learned a lot and will never forget this.
Catacombs of San Gennaro: Guided Visit

Sobre: Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí

Al llarg dels seus milers d'anys d'història, el lloc de descans final de sant Gaudiós s'ha utilitzat com a necròpolis, tomba cristiana i fossa comuna. Ara és una experiència de visitant perfectament misteriosa, on podràs explorar i descobrir els seus molts secrets macabres!

Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí

10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
Catacumbes de Sant Gaudí
Via Sanità, 123, 80136, Nàpols
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