  1. Estats Units
  2. Estat de Nova York
  3. Nova York
  4. Zoo del Bronx

Tiquets per a Zoo del Bronx

4.6 (750 ressenyes)

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4 opcions • des de 30,95 USD

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

Combina els teus preferits a Zoo del Bronx amb els de Nova York. Algunes coses són millors de dues en dues.

Ressenyes per a Zoo del Bronx

750 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

3 ressenyes
Debora,  Belgium Belgium
18 de set. 2024
The employees were really nice and helpful, it's a big beautiful zoo with an amazing gorilla forest and a magical butterfly garden, and that's not all..😍
Bronx Zoo
Nicola ,  United States United States
10 de des. 2024
The pass pays for itself with the money saved, but it listed Statue of Liberty as an option, which is one of the main things we wanted, but they would not accept it so we had to buy tickets separately.
The pass pays for itself with the money saved, but it listed Statue of Liberty as an option, which is one of the main things we wanted, but they would not accept it so we had to buy tickets separately.
New York Sightseeing Flex Pass
Marie,  Belgium Belgium
04 de gen. 2025
Molt dolenta
Sightseeing was really reactive and helped me directly unlike Tiqets who didn't react to the urgent issue with my pass. Spending over 400€ on a two-day pass, I expected more responsiveness from...
Sightseeing was really reactive and helped me directly unlike Tiqets who didn't react to the urgent issue with my pass. Spending over 400€ on a two-day pass, I expected more responsiveness from Tiqets. Next time, I'll book directly via Sightseeing. Disappointed !
New York Sightseeing Day Pass

Sobre: Zoo del Bronx

El zoològic del Bronx, com no us sorprendrà saber, és al Bronx. És el zoo metropolità més gran dels Estats Units i un dels més grans del món. Destaca el bosc de goril·les del Congo i les planes africanes, i el zoològic infantil és un èxit perenne amb els més petits.

Zoo del Bronx
2300,Southern Boulevard, 10460, Nova York
Obre a Maps

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