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Viena: Creuer amb sopar pel Danubi + Concert de l'Orangeria de Schönbrunn

Gaudeix de la cultura austríaca amb un creuer, un concert i un sopar a Viena

Durada: 6 h 30 min
Accés ràpid
Accessible amb cadira de rodes
Proveïdor: WKE Konzert- & Eventveranstaltungs GmbH
Adreça registrada: Opernring 7/19, 1010, Vienna, AT
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Creuer de 3,5 hores pel riu Danubi a les 10:30 o a les 14:00
Àpat de 3 plats a prop del Palau de Schönbrunn
Concert de música clàssica a l'Orangeria de Schönbrunn
Menjar i begudes addicionals
Entrada al Palau de Schönbrunn
Accés a la sala VIP (si has seleccionat l'opció d'entrada VIP)

Per al creuer fluvial:

  • Arriba al punt de trobada a Schiffstation Wien / City (Franz-Josefs Kai 2 1010) almenys 30 minuts abans de l'hora de sortida programada
  • Bescanvia el tiquet digital per un d'imprès amb el personal de la taquilla

Per al sopar i el concert:

  • Arriba almenys 15 minuts abans de la reserva i presenta't a la taquilla de Orangery Schönbrunn
  • Bescanvia el tiquet digital per un d'imprès amb el personal de la taquilla d'Orangery Schönbrunn

Fes-ho tot a Viena amb una entrada pràctica per a tres esdeveniments vienesos: un creuer turístic pel Danubi, un sopar de 3 plats i un concert de clàssica al famós Orangery de Schönbrunn.

Navega pel riu Danubi des de Schwedenplatz i gaudeix de les vistes de Viena des de l'aigua en un recorregut de 3,5 hores.

A continuació, gaudeix de la gastronomia tradicional vienesa prop del palau de Schönbrunn amb un deliciós àpat de 3 plats preparat amb ingredients frescos, només per a tu.

Corona el dia a Viena amb entrades per a un concert de música clàssica a la màgica Orangeria de Schönbrunn, amb cançons de Johann Strauss.


  • 10:30 o 14:00 Sortida del creuer pel Danubi des de Schwedenplatz
  • 18:30 Sopar en un restaurant a poca distància del palau de Schönbrunn
  • 20:30 Concert a l'Orangeria de Schönbrunn
    • Es pot cancel·lar fins a 24 hores abans de la visita.
    • Es pot reprogramar la visita fins a 24 hores abans.

    Valoracions i ressenyes

    4 ressenyes de clients verificades
    3 ressenyes
    Doaa,  Canada Canada
    18 de juny 2024
    While the organizers were very respectful and communicative when there was a Danube flood that impacted the cruise time, the cruise itself was a huge disappointed. The journey is 3.5 hours on...
    While the organizers were very respectful and communicative when there was a Danube flood that impacted the cruise time, the cruise itself was a huge disappointed. The journey is 3.5 hours on paper but it was not communicated beforehand that it includes two hour wait time for the river/canal locks to open in addition to 30 mins waiting for people from different stops to come on board. The cruise was boring and there is no interaction on board, add to that the suffocating smell of the exhaust which made me sick. For the dinner, it was average quality food not something i would choose if i am booking my own dinner. The concert was the gem of this combination. I really enjoyed it very much. Overall, i don't recommend the cruise at all but the concert-dinner mix was pleasant.
    Danube sightseeing cruise with Dinner and evening Concert Schoenbrunn Orangery
    16 de maig 2024
    My partner and I do not speak German. Hotel staff were asked how long the journey would take to the meeting point (1830) they said 20 minutes. We left our hotel at 1800 giving the taxi driver the...
    My partner and I do not speak German. Hotel staff were asked how long the journey would take to the meeting point (1830) they said 20 minutes. We left our hotel at 1800 giving the taxi driver the instruction sheet provided by you. I could tell from his reactions that he was having difficulty understanding the instructions. Because of heavy traffic we arrived at 1840 with no sign of our boat. This was a very important trip planned for my partner's birthday, the main point being a trip on the Danube. In order to achieve that we were able to arrange another boat trip on the Danube. When we returned from that it was already too late to attend the Orangerie for the meal. Regrettably we returned to our hotel. Because our taxi driver had trouble understanding the instructions you care to revue these instructions. It was with high expectations that we prepared for this evening, which in the end was ruined by a series of factors outwith our control.
    Danube sightseeing cruise with Dinner and evening Concert Schoenbrunn Orangery
    Hao Han,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
    02 de maig 2024
    Danube sightseeing cruise with Dinner and evening Concert Schoenbrunn Orangery

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