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  1. Alemanha
  2. Berlim
  3. Passeios Hop-on Hop-off em Berlim
4.1 (135 avaliações)

Passeios Hop-on Hop-off em Berlim

Veja o melhor de Berlim em um passeio de ônibus pela cidade

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15 opções • A partir de US$ 16,26

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Combine Passeios Hop-on Hop-off em Berlim com o melhor que Berlim tem para oferecer e aproveite a cidade ao máximo.

Passeios Hop-on Hop-off em Berlim - Avaliações

135 avaliações de pessoas verificadas
3 avaliações
Nir,  Israel Israel
07 fev. 2025
Excellent very good jjhhhhgvgggghhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhhhh
24-h RED Sightseeing Berlin Hop-On Hop-Off Bus
Kiran,  Austria Austria
14 fev. 2024
Good experience. Highly recommend you download the App so you can see where the buses are in real time to plan your time when at the different stops. Recorded commentary was a bit cheesy but...
Good experience. Highly recommend you download the App so you can see where the buses are in real time to plan your time when at the different stops. Recorded commentary was a bit cheesy but overall helpful in giving context at what your looking at.
COMBO 48-h RED Sightseeing Berlin Hop-On Hop-Off Bus
Michelle,  Cyprus Cyprus
16 mar. 2018
It is a great way to see many of the secondary important attractions in a day. We spent a day to visit the island museum and the next day we saw what was left with the bus. If you believe it is...
It is a great way to see many of the secondary important attractions in a day. We spent a day to visit the island museum and the next day we saw what was left with the bus. If you believe it is worth seeing, just hop off. Big time saving! definitely recommend.
Hop-on Hop-off Bus Berlin

Passeios Hop-on Hop-off em Berlim - Informações úteis

Descubra a beleza de Berlim em um passeio de ônibus!

Explore a cidade e aprecie suas vistas e sons no conforto de seu assento. Esses passeios permitem que você conheça o melhor da cultura vibrante e dos marcos espetaculares de Berlim.

Aproveite ao máximo os guias de áudio a bordo e aprenda sobre o passado histórico da cidade.

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