Uncover the symbols in Vermeer’s work, find out how he documented his feelings on love, see reproductions of original paintings and get a free audio tour! At Vermeer Centrum Delft you'll step into 17th-century Delft (as well as one of Vermeer's paintings!).
Many of Johannes Vermeer's works were on the theme of love - sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious. See if you can spot his hidden depths at this homage to his work in the very place he inspired so many, as Dean of the Painters.
Get a glimpse into the life of this famous Dutch painter via an oeuvre of 37 paintings. Notice how his brushstrokes and styles referred to love in many different ways. Witness his working methods - how did he paint? What did he use and why?
For a more in-depth experience, take a tour with the help of a fascinating free audio guide.
You can even play around with a camera obscura (the predecessor to the photographic camera), to see how Vermeer pioneered its use to enhance light and perspective in his paintings!