  1. Spojené arabské emiráty
  2. Abú Dhabi
  3. Abu Dhabi City Cards
3.6 (13 recenze)

Abu Dhabi City Cards

Užij si přístup k atrakcím, prozkoumej město a získej exkluzivní slevy!

Zkontrolovat dostupnost

4 možnosti/možností • od 19,60 US$

Recenze: Abu Dhabi City Cards

13 recenze/recenzí ověřených zákazníků
3 recenze
30 zář 2024
Great, saved money on entrance fees. Booked a few mins before I used them. Didn't manage to use the shuttle bus because of time, nor the sim. Everything else was perfect
Abu Dhabi Palace Pass: Qasr Al Watan, Qasr Al Hosn with eSIM & Tourist Shuttle
Panagiotis,  Greece Greece
09 pro 2024
You don't have enough time to visit three attractions in the same day, they are too far from the one to th other and the bus schedule and stops are not clear. If I bought individual tickets for...
You don't have enough time to visit three attractions in the same day, they are too far from the one to th other and the bus schedule and stops are not clear. If I bought individual tickets for the two attractions (palace and Louvre) I would pay less.
Abu Dhabi: Culture and Heritage Pass (2-3 Attractions)
01 led 2025
The vendor took too late to send the ticket for yas island that I thought we might miss it until I kept calling and emailing them and they sent it the same day as the trip when they said before 24...
The vendor took too late to send the ticket for yas island that I thought we might miss it until I kept calling and emailing them and they sent it the same day as the trip when they said before 24 hours. Caused a lot of stress but the visit was amazing so can't complain too much. But I hope it goes smoother
TheAbuDhabiPass: Yas Island Multi-Park Ticket with Free Lunch + SIM

O: Abu Dhabi City Cards

Abu Dhabi City Card je skvělý způsob, jak prozkoumat město s jednou praktickou vstupenkou.

Získej přístup k mnoha atrakcím, prohlídkám a zážitkům v okolí Abú Dhabí – zábavní parky na ostrově Yas, Louvre AbuDhabi, Qasr Al Watan a další!

Aby byl tvůj pobyt v Abú Dhabí co nejplynulejší, využij navíc zvýhodněné servisní výhody, jako jsou nákupy, stravování, doprava a SIM karty.

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